What You Need Know About Collecting Debt During A Pandemic

Considering how long the pandemic and the related economic effects will last, there is uncertainty for many businesses. This is why amplifying the debt collection process will rank high on many businesses’ priority lists so that they are able to secure and generate cash flow. Even though many companies are still fully operational and able to […]

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The Steps Small Businesses Should Take When Chasing Debt

As a business owner, it is vital to keep a good relationship with your customers and contractors, especially, when having to deal with debt collection. Dealing with late payments while keeping a positive connection with your customers or clients may be difficult. So, getting external help from the professionals at eCollect is one method to de-personalise […]

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The Five Telltale Signs You Need a Debt Collection Agency

Running a business is hard enough without having to worry about uncollected debts. Luckily for you, debt collection agencies can provide essential services that help your business retrieve its bad debts, build relationships with clients, and reduce business costs. It can be beneficial for many companies who lack the resources, personnel, or time to manage […]

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The Common Commercial Debt Collection Myths Debunked

Many small and large businesses follow the same practice for selling products and services and invoicing. This often involves selling now and invoicing later so they have more time to pay. This is a smooth process until a customer decides not to pay. Having debt is a headache; after all, you expect revenue from a […]

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Debt Recovery, The Financial Year, The Calendar Year and Timing

The debt collection industry faces many challenges every day. The industry continues to transform due to rapidly changing technology, regulations, and outside factors, and collection agencies must adapt.  Many of these regulations are unknown to most businesses and as a result, many debtors dig their heals in, using the offence or breach to avoid making […]

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How Will Lockdowns Impact Approaches To Debt Collection

In the wake of the global pandemic, the worldwide economy has taken a severe hit. The government enforced lockdowns have halted the operations of many businesses and enterprises, which has been especially hard for small and medium-sized businesses. Several companies have been forced to shut down, creating an upward trend in global insolvencies.

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How to Avoid Debt Collection Phishing Scams

Consumer complaints about debt recovery are regularly among the top kind reported to government and legal agencies. These agencies have reported that fake debt collectors from fake debt collection agencies use several deceptive and abusive methods to make their customers pay up, including repeated calls, verbal harangues, and threats to reveal private debt information.

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